“Paintings with Poems”


Paperback, 25 pages with 11 coloured plates



‘The Spirit Tree’

Ancestors caught up in the spirit of a tree
Sculpted by fire and termites, long years in the making,
For you who stand as guardians, for those of us who see,
Holding our past memories, for our taking.

Sculpted by fire and termites, long years in the making,
How many old spirits have sought refuge in you?

Holding our past memories, for our taking,
Keeping history alive, for some of us to view.

How many old spirits have sought refuge in you?
How many wanderers were suddenly aware?
Keeping history alive, for some of us to view,
Preserving old images for those of us who care.

How many wanderers were suddenly aware?
Of you who stand as guardians, for those of us who see?
Preserving old images for those of us who care,
Ancestors, caught up in the spirit of a tree.