The Shangri-la Collection Print and eBook Now Available!
We’ve rolled all four books about the people of Shangri-la into one – so you don’t miss a thing! The book has been reviewed by the as 5 stars! The book is now available on Amazon as a print or eBook, and as a launch special, the eBook on Amazon will be free on the 6th March!
UPDATE: Thanks so much to all those who have participated in the launch of this book all around the world – your support and encouraging remarks are very much appreciated!
Exciting News!
The Shangri-la trilogy is now in print
My three novels, “Country Calling”, “Justin’s Quest”, and “Confluence” are now available in print here on my website, and as e-books on Amazon and Kindle! You can read the outstanding review by Literary Titan here.
The last book of the Shangri-la series is now printed and is available as a paperback only direct from Winsome’s web site. Check out the details of “Whispers on the Wind” on Books.
“Justin’s Quest” has been reviewed by the Online Book Club and was awarded *****, and is a contender for “Book of the Year”, decided by popular vote. You can vote for it here.
This book was also reviewed by Literary Titan, receiving **** and awarded the Silver Award for books reviewed in the previous month. Read their review here.
Read a few more words from Win here at her Blog
Peace and Power Exhibition - Dec 2021 - March 2022
My recent retrospective exhibition of my paintings at the Tableland Regional Gallery was very successful with seven paintings sold. My remaining originals can now be hung on the walls of my home in Ravenshoe, where they continue to delight me. Only a few are still for sale, from me personally.
I shall display one of these, from time to time, on my blog. My prints are still available.
The exhibition, “Peace and Power” can be still viewed on the virtual exhibition or video, from the links below.
A friend from Nature Things has make a video about my exhibition. It makes a great addition to the Virtual Exhibition and you can watch it below….
I have had Atherton Web Design put together a Virtual Exhibition of the TRC Gallery. You can look at the Exhibition via the link below. I tell the story of each painting.
Meet Winsome...
For me a happy and full filling life began at fifty. Not that my life until then had been unhappy – like most people, I had my triumphs and my challenges.
As a child, I had loved to paint and draw. But then came study, university, a teaching career for four years, then overseas travel, marriage and children.
It was only when I turned fifty, and alone again, that I decided to become a professional artist. I held four successful solo exhibitions – two in my home town of Ingham, and two in Townsville. Then after forming a new friendship and another year of painting, I established “Win’s Gallery, Art and Woodcraft” In Ravenshoe, North Queensland, Australia. This was my life for the next 21 years.
My paintings have travelled across the world. They have been shown in Artists’ magazines in Australia and in “International Artist” and “Pastel Artist International” and one of my paintings hangs in Queensland Parliament House.
In 2017 I sold my gallery, and turned to my other love, writing. I have published several books, most recently a novel. My business is now mostly on line but visitors may still view my paintings at my home in Ravenshoe by making an appointment. They continue to give much pleasure and an appreciation of our country.
In 2021/2022, I held a retrospective exhibition of my work at the Tableland Regional Gallery, Atherton. This showcased the progress of my work over a period of 60 years.
Included was a small exhibit of bronze animal sculptures by Trevor Madin.
This exhibition, entitled ‘Peace and Power’, can still be viewed on the video above.

This is a small poem I wrote which epitomises the spirit of my paintings.
My Paintings
Trees I have loved,
And changing skies.
Rocks which hold the secrets of time,
And people long since gone.
Wide vistas and deep shadowed gorges,
And water – deep, quiet, reflective, still;
Or shallow chattering streams on stony beds;
Thundering, foaming falls, whose might now challenges
The power of rocks below.
And always I have loved
The changing light of day
From glow of early dawn
Till darkening shadows of the coming night.
I trust you will share with me, my experience of my country.